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Slavonka plant

Dilj d.o.o. Tile Factory has, after a trial run from 18th to 26th of May 2022, received a permanent approval from HEP for the operation of a 1.1 MW solar power plant installed on the roof of the Slavonka production hall in Vinkovci.
Project "Povećanje energetske učinkovitosti Pogon Slavonka", which is co-financed from the European Fund for Regional Development and includes investments in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. The project is worth 13.3 million HRK, it was co-financed in the amount of 7.2 million HRK, and it provides for the annual production of 1,542,351 kW of electric energy for own needs. The total energy savings achieved by energy efficiency activities in this project amounts to 700,583 kW per year.
Today, when we face the global challenge of increasing energy prices, as well as their availability, this kind of project, which contributes to increasing energy independence, gains even more significance.
The realization of this project goes to our colleagues in the NEXE Group, whom we would like to thank on this occasion for a successfully implemented project, and considering the number of quality projects prepared for financing from EU funds, we are proud that this positive story continues. In the Dilj d.o.o. tile factory alone, an investment of 42 million HRK is planned for this year alone.