Ivan Ergović, Member of the board
Ivan Ergović was born in 1982. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. He has attended a series of education on change management, strategic management and organizational design and in 2017 he attended the Advanced Program in Business, organized by the Institute of Innovation.
His professional career started in Nexe grupa d.d. at position of a treasury staff associate in 2012. In 2014 he went to Nexe beton d.o.o. Našice as director of the Commercial Affairs Sector and in 2016 he was appointed assistant member of the Board for Commercial Affairs of Našicement d.d. Našice (today NEXE d.d.). According to decision of the Supervisory Board as of 1 February 2019 he was appointed a member of the Board for Strategy and Development of Nexe grupa d.d. Našice and upon merger of company Nexe grupa d.d. with NEXE d.d. as of 1 July 2021 he was appointed a member of the Board of NEXE d.d.