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It is forbidden to publicly display, transfer, publish, change, reproduce, distribute, participate in transfer or sale, dispatch or in any other way use entire or part of contents of this website as well as to select and adjust contents of the website without prior explicit written permission of copyright owner. However, it is forbidden to delete or change existing data refering to copyright and/or trade mark even with given consent.
Content of this website is intended for user's personal use only in informative purpose. Contents of this website are not to be deemed a declaration of guarantee for any of the product or services of Nexe Group. After the user has been introduced to Nexe Group through contents of this website, he/she will get all precise information about products and services at sales premises or at headquarters of Nexe Group member company to which relevant product refers to.
Logos and trademarks presented on this website are protected by copyright and may not be used on other websites in any way whatsoever. Protected trademark Nexe used on this website may refer to products and services of any of member companies of Nexe Group and it should not be identified with name of Nexe d.d. company.
Photos, pictures, video clips, resumes or other materials on this website are property of members of Nexe Group. All rights are reserved. Permission to transfer information is granted only to persons who perform advertising, editorial and information activities in order to make publications in newspapers, magazines and electronic media.
The user is not allowed to use any material from this website for sale or sale offer of any product or service whatsoever. Data published on this website do not have to be accurate and updated at all times.
Each user expressly accepts to use this website at own responsibility. Nexe d.d. or member companies of Nexe Group do not take responsibility for any damage or loss whatsoever occured as conseqence of use of information published on this website. Data can be changed or published without prior announcement. There is no guarantee that this website will always be available and accessible and that it will not contain errors or viruses.
When user submits personal data on this website voluntarily, they will be used only to fulfill user's request. By providing his/her information the user agrees and allows Nexe Group to contact him/her to give him feedback about his/her request or other Nexe Group's products and services.
Nexe d.d. reserves the right to change or terminate all or any part of this website at any moment. Changes will come into effect with changes on this address.