Partition block

PB 50-10-19

DILJ d.o.o.


    Basic advantage of all clay products is its simple application and that is why brick is so popular, but there are many other advantages: high product strength, easy replacement and reconstruction, good insulating properties, excellent vapor permeability properties, excellent fire resistance, natural material, usability, economy, etc. Brick does not contain any additives and, in the true sense of the word, allows "green building".


    • Dimensions 500x100x190 mm
    • Pieces on a pallet: 120
    • Pallet on truck /pieces on truck: 22/2640
    • Consumption (pcs/ m²): 10 (wall thickness 10 cm)
    • Weight (kg): 9.2
    • Consumption per m³: 105 pcs/m³
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