
Grand e+ CEM II/B-M(V-S) 42,5N

CEM II/B-M(V-S) 42.5N, Mixed Portland cement, according to HRN EN 197-1:2012 (EN 197-1:2011) standard


    • cement CEM II/B-M(V-S) 42.5N contains a minimum of 65% Portland cement clinker; up to 35% mixed additive, a combination of siliceous fly ash (V) and blast furnace slag (S); up to 5% secondary additional ingredient (filler); binding regulator (natural gypsum)
    • the combination of the amount and type of additives gives this cement the properties of moderate heat of hydration development, ensuring the required initial and final strengths, a setting time that enables optimal installation, good resistance to a moderately aggressive environment.
    • delivery of bulk cement is done by tankers
    • in bags weighing 40 kg and on pallets 1.6 t (40 bags on a pallet); in bags weighing 25 kg and on pallets 1.6 t (64 bags on a pallet)

    • cement CEM II/B-M(V-S) 42.5N is intended for the preparation of concrete and mortar for wide application, for all construction works that are carried out under prescribed construction conditions for reinforced and unreinforced concrete structures
    • it is recommended for the construction of road structures (bridges, tunnels, viaducts); for the production of transport and pumped concrete;
    • for concrete elements and constructions of large section; for the production of ready-made concrete elements; for housing, business, industrial and family buildings, where it fully meets the requirements for all concrete works, production of substrates and glazes, foundations and load-bearing concrete structures
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